January 26, 2025
In 2024, roughly half of all NCT tests resulted in a failure. This is something that automotive fleet managers need to be mindful of, for even if the vehicle passes on the second go, failing the first time adds unnecessary costs to your overall fleet management budget, including test fees and vehicle downtime. Therefore, it’s important that fleet managers strive for a ‘right first-time’ policy when it comes to vehicle compliance tests. It might sound like a tall order, but it doesn’t have to be, here’s where ForWare can make your life easier when it comes to NCT prep.
The most common NCT failure reason in 2024 was steering and suspension issues, accounting for 15%, closely followed by lighting and electrical issues at 14.2%, with the side slip test, tyres, and brakes, all accounting for sizeable failure rates. Regular VHC checks can pick up these issues before the test stage, so it’s important to follow your manufacturer’s VHC interval guidelines (which are also a warranty requirement). ForWare sends service and VHC due notifications based on mileage or time intervals, allowing you to keep on top of your VHCs as they become due. You don’t even need the driver to advise you on mileage, the system does it for you. Hopefully, this will help catch failure-causing niggles before the test, potentially saving your business on downtime and expenses.
Aside from passing the test, automotive fleet managers also need to keep all associated documents so that they are readily accessible. This used to mean a lot of filing, admin, and storage costs. With ForWare Compliance, you can store all these documents virtually and be able to recall them at a tap of your fingers, alongside your fleet service histories and other repair work.
Even if your vehicle passes an NCT first time, it’s not uncommon for the centre to issue follow-up repairs that must be carried out within a given time frame. Great, you think, another set of compliance requirements to manage in a hectic schedule. Once again, ForWare can streamline this process. No need for endless phone calls trying to get the requisite work booked within a short time frame, you can use the ForWare Workshop Network to find a workshop in your area that can fit in the repair promptly. Even if it’s not your regular garage, you don’t have to set up an account or worry about duplicate record keeping—from your perspective, it’s all done from one touch point, so it doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with one workshop or twenty. One booking-on point, one service history, one invoice. How’s that for simple and straightforward?
NCTs are a necessity from which no Irish automotive fleet manager can escape. But with the right system, they don’t have to deal with an onerous hassle. ForWare is here to transform the whole fleet compliance process into one that works smoothly for you and reduces stress.
Interested? How about a free demonstration for your fleet? Call Alan today on 021 484 5554 or email alan@forware.io and he’ll be happy to arrange.
Alan Maher
Alan is a positive and proactive automotive professional with over 25 years of extensive experience in the motor trade.
Alan has been vital in developing and driving the ForWare System and implementing core workshop processes with some of the most significant state and private fleets in Ireland, the UK and Europe.
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